British Womens Team Cup Zwift Race Series sponsored by Full Speed Events
We are thrilled to have Matt Payne and his trusty commentary team live stream the Zwift Series. Matt has been an announcer at National Crit, NatRR, Nat CX, Nat XC, World Cup / Champs XC, CX and has recorded for BBC, Eurosport, Bike Channel and Cycling TV and he is supporting the series as part of his promotion of womens cycling which is absolutely fantastic.
Live stream of each Race will be on the Full Speed Events Youtube Channel.
Subscribe here to be notified when the show is live streaming:
Event Dates 2021
To enter, ensure your team is registered for the British Team Cup competition (see form at top of Registered Teams page). Your Team Manager will provide you the entry link when entries open one week prior to each event date.

The “Three Sisters” route covers Watopia’s three oldest climbs (Hilly KOM, Epic KOM, and Volcano KOM) in a forward direction. While not as punishing as The Pretzel and some of Watopia’s toughest routes, it’ll still put you in the hurt locker with almost 3000′ of climbing!

About The Zwift Series
This series has been set up by Lisa West to provide a bit of fun (plus a bit of early season competition) as the first 3 planned races, including Lisa's Dave Peck race, had been cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The bonus is that the teams get to race against the riders they will actually be racing against when we (hopefully) get up and running again for real racing!
Each race will take place on a different course, over a distance of 40-56km. Team points will be scored according to the rider’s overall finishing position in the event according to Team Cup rules. At the end of the e-race series, the top three teams will receive bonus points that will contribute to their 2021 Team Cup point results. To qualify for the bonus points, a team must compete in up to three out of the four events. For those competing in all four races, the team scores for their best three races will be used.
Rules and regulations for this Zwift series:
Results will be taken from Zwift Power. Any rider wishing to be part of the series needs to be registered on Zwift Power.
You must use a heart rate monitor.
You must use exactly the same display name in each race (preferably your real name) with the 3 letter abbreviation for your team.
Each team must wear the same Zwift jersey with 6 riders per team as per in the teams rider listings registered for the 2021 British Cup.
Although 4th cat riders are not normally allowed to enter British Cup Team races, they will be allowed to enter this Zwift series of races.
No power-ups but double drafting is switched on.
No TT bikes.
Riders must be honest about their weight and make sure their turbo is well calibrated. No video weigh ins, but you are representing your team, and there is no joy in winning unfairly!
At the end of the mini series, each team will be ranked according to their finishing position for the team’s best 3 races. As per normal Team Cup races, Zwift Team Cup points will be awarded as per the finishing position for the first 4 riders on each race with each team being able to enter up to 6 riders. You may enter a B Team but only the points for your A Team will count (and the B Team must wear a different jersey).
The team points awarded for the Zwift series will be added to the team’s 2021 points with the first team being awarded 150, 2nd 130 points, 3rd 115 and so on.
The British Team Cup reserves the right to remove any rider from the results if there is reasonable suspicion of cheating or manipulation of data.
Race 1 - Out and Back Again
Report by Jon Miles
With Covid lockdown in place Lisa West took to Internet Zwift to get our season up and running. Starting its 21st year, the famous series of team races saw a big field entered for the first ever Zwift event.Held in the always interesting country of Watopia, the course, with its 334 metres of climbing, was set to be 42.3 kms.
The race started at a fast pace with Charlotte Colclough-Bianchi Dama, Victoria Lovett-AWOL and Gail Robinson-TW1 leading the bunch. 2 minutes into the race and a gap is created by a group, 35 riders strong, led again by Lovett with Charlotte Berry-Pro Noctus, Bexy Dew-Saint Piran, Siam Botteley-Brother and Gail Robinson-TW1
After 16 kms the leaders were losing riders as they started on the big hill that led past the volcano.Lovett won the climb and riders started the downhill at speed. The leaders were gradually whittled down until 7 were in the lead but now joined by Laura Senior-Saint Piran, after a spirited chase....actually Saint Piran now had three riders in the lead break so they were now team favourites with a gap of 35 seconds to three chasing riders.
Glad to be out of the rain the speed went up and as the line approached Lovett was just leading with Senior on her rear wheel and that is how they finished for a great first win for Victoria Lovett.
There is a technique that needs to be learnt with Zwift racing to get best value out of hard efforts but even so this was an exciting race.
1. Saint Piran Womens Race Team 335 points
2. Pro-Noctis-Redchilli Bikes-Heidi Kjeldsen 215 points
3. Cowley Road Condors 154 points
4. AWOL Worx 150 points
5. TW1 Racing 149 points
6. RFDA 133 points
7. 1904RT 110 points
8. Team LDN Brother UK 94 points
9. Will Houghton Race Team 91 points
10. Datalynx Parenesis 81 points
11. Brother UK - Cycle Team on Form 72 points
12. Bianchi Dama 70 points
13. Team Watto-LDN 60 points
14. Boompods 41 points
15. Army Ladies Road Team 17 points
1 Victoria Lovett AWOL WORX
2 Laura Senior Saint Piran Womens Race Team
3 Charlotte Berry Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
4 Bekki Seal Saint Piran Womens Race Team
5 Bexy Dew Saint Piran Womens Race Team
6 Gail Robinson TW1 Racing
7 Charlotte Colcough Bianchi Dama
8 Sarah Briggs RFDA
9 Stassi Bowler Cowley Road Condors
10 Samantha Fawcett Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
11 Ileia Spyropoulou Will Houghton Race Team
12 Katie Greves Cowley Road Condors
13 Lucy Lee Team LDN – Brother UK
14 Corinne Side Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
15 Mathilde Pauls 1904rt
16 Lauren Watson Boompods
17 Rebekah Kearney Will Houghton Race Team
18 Ruth Sheir Team LDN – Brother UK
19 Ruby Firth RFDA
20 Heather Mayer Team Watto - LDN
21 Maxine Filby Datalynx Parenesis
22 Lea Bonnafous 1904rt
23 Daisy May Barnes Brother U.K - Cycle Team OnForm
24 Izzie Johnson Datalynx Parenesis
25 Sian Botteley Brother U.K - Cycle Team OnForm
26 Maddie Haywood Team Watto - LDN
27 Gabriella Nordin TW1 Racing
28 Helena Coker Cowley Road Condors
29 Rebecca Dawes RFDA
30 Carolyn Swan 1904rt
31 Victoria Strila TW1 Racing
32 Alexandra Hamilton TW1 Racing
33 Mairi Brookes Cowley Road Condors
34 Jo Smith TW1 Racing
35 Kimberley Pickett Cowley Road Condors
36 Jenny Gunning Army Ladies Road Team
37 Maggie Dods Cowley Road Condors
38 Fran Brown Saint Piran Womens Race Team
39 Abi Cooper Brother U.K - Cycle Team OnForm
40 Helen Bridgman 1904rt
41 Ursula Jordan Datalynx Parenesis
42 Gemma Hayes 1904rt
43 Amy Marks Team LDN – Brother UK
44 Abby Munroe RFDA
45 Iona Sewell Datalynx Parenesis
Race 2 - The Surrey Hills
Report by Jon Miles
Stunning first Team Cup race win for Gail Robinson, TW1 on this 2nd Zwift race organised by Lisa West of Twickenham CC. Actually Lisa would have been the stressed organiser of this race had it been on the actual road as today this Zwift race was run instead of the Dave Peck Memorial race that had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions.
It was a good day for first’s. When the Twickenham CC put on this race in memory of long standing Chairman of the Twickenham it was Natalie Creswick who won this first road race in 2012 and she enthusiastically joined the commentary team during this Zwift race to give her expert opinion of the racing.
Held on the tough Surrey Hills course with its climbs of the famous Box Hill it was the first time up proceeding Fox Hill that saw the race almost settled as a leading group created at the top of the hill with the leading 5 riders, Charlotte Colclough, Bianchi Dama, Gail Robinson, Ruth Shier, Team LDN and Danni Shrosbree, Team LDN.
The race settled down as such over the hills until the 2nd to last climb up Keith Hill when Gail Robinson laid down her challenge which no one could match and she rode away from a talented group to rapidly lead by 1 minute 49 seconds. Charlotte and Ruth got dropped and together they tested each other out on the climb with Ruth eventually getting the better and dropping Charlotte.
Steadily gaining time Gail crossed the line to bring up a well deserved win for the TW1 team and their Team Manager Lisa West and organiser of our Zwift series. Team LDN also placed well.
1 TW1 Racing 227 points
2 Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen 224 points
3 Team LDN – Brother UK 220 points
4 Saint Piran Womens Race Team 208 points
5 CC London 129 points
6 Bianchi Dama 115 points
7 Will Houghton Race Team 111 points
8 Cowley Road Condors 108 points
9 Army Ladies Road Team 89 points
10 Brother U.K - Cycle Team OnForm 66 points
11 Team Watto - LDN 50 points
12 1904rt 49 points
13 AWOL WORX 42 points
14 Boompods 35 points
15 Datalynx Parenesis 33 points
1 Gail Robinson TW1 Racing
2 Ruth Sheir Team LDN – Brother UK
3 Charlotte Colcough Bianchi Dama
4 Laura Senior Saint Piran Womens Race Team
5 Danni Shrosbree Team LDN – Brother UK
6 Charlotte Berry Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
7 Corinne Side Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
8 Jamie-Lee Wright CC London A
9 Christina Wiejak Saint Piran Womens Race Team
10 Anastasia Bowler Cowley Road Condors
11 Rebecca Kearney Will Houghton Race Team
12 Mathilde Pauls 1904rt
13 Gemma Sargent Saint Piran Womens Race Team
14 Millie Skinner Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
15 Ileia Spyropoulou Will Houghton Race Team
16 Bethan Buck CC London B
17 Daisy Barnes Brother U.K - Cycle Team OnForm
18 Matea Deliu Team Watto - LDN
19 Lauren Watson Boompods
20 Issy Torrie Datalynx Parenesis
21 Victoria Strila TW1 Racing
22 Biaba Fogele CC London A
23 Ejay Harris Army Ladies Road Team A
24 Poppy Thompson Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
25 Uta Pullmann CC London A
26 Laura Pittard Brother U.K - Cycle Team OnForm
27 Rachel Brown CC London B
28 Amy Gornall Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
29 Becky Hair TW1 Racing
30 Jenny Hill Army Ladies Road Team A
31 Becky Graves Army Ladies Road Team A
32 Gabriella Nordin TW1 Racing
33 Emma Hudson Cowley Road Condors
34 Charlotte Gibson AWOL WORX
35 Helena Coker Cowley Road Condors
36 Shelly Coker TW1 Racing Team B
37 Harriet Hernando Will Houghton Race Team
38 Maggie Dods Cowley Road Condors
39 Caroline Nottage Army Ladies Road Team A
40 Victoria Lovett AWOL WORX
41 Louise Davidson Team Watto - LDN
42 Jess Ward Army Ladies Road Team A
43 Isla Rush AWOL WORX
44 Alexandra Hamilton TW1 Racing
45 Mairi Brookes Cowley Road Condors
46 Sarah Collins CC London B
47 Michelle Debono Army Ladies Road Team B
48 Sophie Tolhurst CC London A
49 Jo Smith TW1 Racing
50 Jenny Gunning Army Ladies Road Team A
51 Henrike Puchta Cowley Road Condors
52 Rosi Malcom- Team Watto - LDN
53 Jenny Bolsom Saint Piran Womens Race Team
Race 3 - Three Sisters Reverse
Report by Jon Miles
The 3rd race in the popular British Team Cup used the Three Sisters Reverse course with its daunting 9 kilometre climb up the Epic KOM maxing out at 16% at the top.
37 riders clipped in to start the race which replaced the Coalville event. A brisk start with Anastasia Bowler, Cowley Road Condors, Sarah Briggs, RFDA, Sue Chittock, Army Ladies Race Team, Ruby Frith RFDA and Poppy Thompson, Pro Noctis leading the bunch but that all changed as the race reached to lower slopes of the Epic climb when Sarah Briggs and then Gail Robinson, TW1 broke away to begin her dramatic ride to victory.
As the incline began to bite gaps obviously appeared at the rear as eventually a group of 13 forged ahead. 6kms into the climb and it was Gail leading being chased by Amy Gornall, and Poppy Thompson.
Swooping off the climb Gail strengthened her lead but behind Sarah Briggs lead the bunch. With 23 kms to the finish it was Gail then Ruth Shier, Team LDN chasing with Stassi and Sarah taking turns to lead but the 2nd place was claimed by Ruth.
The final kilometres ticked away with Gail strongly cementing her place and a cracking win for Team Manager Lisa West where at the finish Gail had her second Zwift Team Cup race win by 2 minutes 36 seconds on Ruth Shier who led by 1 minute 29 seconds over 3rd placed rider Sarah Briggs.
1 TW1 Racing - 280 points
2 Cowley Road Condors - 198 points
3 Team LDN – Brother UK - 190 points
4 Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen - 174 points
4 Army Ladies Road Team A - 174 points
6 RFDA - 167 points
7 Will Houghton Race Team - 160 points
8 1904rt - 92 points
9 AWOL WORX - 35 points
1 Gail Robinson - TW1 Racing
2 Ruth Shier - Team LDN – Brother UK
3 Sarah Briggs - RFDA
4 Anastasia Bowler (Stassi) - Cowley Road Condors
5 Rebecca Kearney - Will Houghton Race Team
6 Amy Gornall - Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
7 Ileia Spyropoulou - Will Houghton Race Team
8 Gabriella Nordin - TW1 Racing
9 Fran Cutts - Team LDN – Brother UK
10 Rosie Wild - Army Ladies Road Team A
11 Ruby Firth - RFDA
12 Millie Skinner - Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
13 Becky Graves - Army Ladies Road Team A
14 Poppy Thompson - Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
15 Anna Marie Hughes - 1904rt
16 Helena Coker - Cowley Road Condors
17 Jess Wood - Army Ladies Road Team A
18 Victoria Strila - TW1 Racing
19 Charlotte Gibson - AWOL WORX
20 Rachel McKenzie - Army Ladies Road Team A
21 Caroline Nottage - Army Ladies Road Team A
22 Sue Chittock - Army Ladies Road Team A
23 Mairi Brookes - Cowley Road Condors
24 Jenny Gunning - Army Ladies Road Team B
25 Alexandra Hamilton - TW1 Racing
26 Henrike Puchta (Henny) - Cowley Road Condors
27 Jo Smith - TW1 Racing
28 Carolyn Swan - 1904rt
29 Gemna Hayes - 1904rt
Race 4 - The London Pretzel
Report by Jon Miles
The final British Team Cup race in the Zwift Series took to the London Pretzel course with its ascents of Fox Hill and Box Hill to really hit the legs on the final run in to London.
A fast start saw Charlotte Berry, Pro Noctis lead the bunch out with Jenny Hill, Army Ladies close by.
With the first 5 kms covered the race settled down but still a fast pace for this final race in what has been an exciting series. Fantastic effort by Lisa West of Twickenham CC for even getting this Series up and running.
With the race passing past Trafalgar Square out of London, Emma Cadoux-Hudson, Cowley Road Condors then Zwift sensation Gail Robinson, TW1 were front of bunch as they passed Westminster Abbey. With 20 kms covered it was Robinson at her normal position on the front with a noticeably lessened bunch as riders were not able to hold the fast pace that was set originally. Tackling Fox Hill, Bexy Drew, St Piran and Charlotte Berry were riding strongly.The bunch stayed together through the rolling course as they gradually came back towards London maintaining a strong pace.
50kms covered as the race hit the tough Box Hill with Robinson taking the climb and the now reduced lead bunch of three had a 22 second gap to Laura Senior, St Piran. Dashing towards the finish, with major team points on offer, Charlotte Berry crossed the line ahead of Bexy Dew for a fine sprint, Gail Robinson a close 3rd to close a thrilling Zwift Series for the British Team Cup. However, with a strong team performance, St Piran took the overall team win for this event and also the overall Zwift series and we look forward to seeing how their Zwift performance transitions to racing for real as we excitedly look forward to the first Team Cup Race at Banbury 23rd May.
None of this virtual racing though would have happened without Lisa West. Within a few days of her talking through the plan with Jon Miles to replace the early season races that had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions, she had it all worked out and continued to put on 4 exciting Zwift races to give the teams an opportunity to compete against each other before the real racing was due to resume. A remarkable effort and I am sure all who have been involved will give a huge vote of thanks to Lisa.
1 - Saint Piran Womens Race Team - 365 points
2 - TW1 Racing - 242 points
3 - Cowley Road Condors - 234 points
4 - Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen - 199 points
5 - Army Ladies Road Team - 146 points
6 - Will Houghton Race Team - 135 points
7 - RFDA - 47 points
1 Charlotte Berry - Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
2 Bexy Dew - Saint Piran Womens Race Team
3 Gail Robinson - TW1 Racing
4 Laura Senior - Saint Piran Womens Race Team
5 Bekki Seal - Saint Piran Womens Race Team
6 Katie Greves - Cowley Road Condors
7 Rebekah Kearney - Will Houghton Race Team
8 Ileia Spyropoulou - Will Houghton Race Team
9 Anastasia Bowler (Stassi) - Cowley Road Condors
10 Emma Cadoux-Hudson - Cowley Road Condors
11 Gabriella Nordin - TW1 Racing
12 Millie Skinner - Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen
13 Sarah Briggs - RFDA
14 Gemma Sargent - Saint Piran Womens Race Team
15 Victoria Strila - TW1 Racing
16 Jenny Gunning - Army Ladies Road Team
17 Helena Coker - Cowley Road Condors
18 Caroline Nottage - Army Ladies Road Team
19 Beccy Graves - Army Ladies Road Team
20 Jenny Hill - Army Ladies Road Team
21 Alexandra Hamilton - TW1 Racing
22 Mairi Brookes - Cowley Road Condors
23 Kate MacLeod - TW1 Racing
24 Shelly Coker - TW1 Racing
25 Sue Chittock - Army Ladies Road Team
26 Kimberley Pickett - Cowley Road Condors